The World Said No
"The World Said No" is a short animation based on the question "What if nature decided to fight back?" It is an allegorical animation about ecological apathy and its consequences. It will be animated using a combination of cell animation and stop motion. The animation will include hand-drawn imagery and collaged backgrounds. It is currently in the pre-production phase.
Alfred, NY-- Jennie Thwing received a Support for Artists grant from the New York State Council on the Arts (NYSCA) to support her creative work. Sponsored by Fractured Atlas, this award will fund the animation “The World Said No.”
Through New York State’s continued investment in arts and culture, NYSCA has awarded $82 million this year to 509 artists and 1,497 organizations across the state.
“As the unparalleled leader of arts and culture, New York’s creativity and innovation inspires the world,” Governor Hochul said. “Our continued investment in our dynamic creative sector will further boost tourism, strengthen our local economies and continue New York’s success as a rich and vibrant place to live, work and visit.”
Executive Director of NYSCA Erika Mallin said, “Artists are our changemakers, our thought leaders and one of our greatest resources for a brighter future. On behalf of the Council, congratulations to Jennie Thwing and all our FY 2025 grantees. We are proud to support the critical work that you do.”
About the New York State Council on the Arts
The mission of the New York State Council on the Arts is to foster and advance the full breadth of New York State’s arts, culture, and creativity for all. To support the ongoing recovery of the arts across New York State, the Council on the Arts will award $162 million in FY2025, serving organizations and artists across all 10 of the state’s regions. The Council on the Arts further advances New York's creative culture by convening leaders in the field and providing organizational and professional development opportunities and informational resources.
Created by Governor Nelson Rockefeller in 1960 and continued with the support of Governor Hochul and the New York State Legislature, the Council is an agency that is part of the Executive Branch. For more information on NYSCA, please visit, and follow NYSCA's Facebook page, on X @NYSCArts and Instagram @NYSCouncilontheArts.