Mama (Narrative Animation)
“Mama,” is a story about a Mother who goes on a journey to find her lost baby and discovers that she is the one who is lost.
The theme of this work is Motherhood. The emotional complexity of balancing motherhood with an artistic practice is a tightrope. A path that is filled with joy and self-doubt. My recent work has served as a ballast for me, helping me to process my emotions and experiences. My baby vampire is a jewel. My body will survive. My inconsistent art patterns are ok. My big emotions are normal. My children are loved. My longing for a returned identity is my identity. I will get to know my husband again.
This work received a grant from the Arts Council for Wyoming County.
The grant was made possible with funds from the Statewide Community Regrants Program, a regrant program of the New York State Council on the Arts with the support of the Office of the Governor and the New York State Legislature.
This work was written and storyboarded in the Pixar Xperiential Writing Course.