Made in America (Work in Progress)
“Made in America" is an abstract interactive animation/installation that shows how colonization, slavery, industrial growth, consumer culture, politics and population growth have caused social and environmental changes in the United States. The installation will display audio and animated projections on a 3D model of the United States that can be activated by audience interaction using flashlights.
Small-scale model of final installation. IEA Residency.
The animations and sound include both formative and mundane events in US history (Ex; flocks of migrating birds. a baby being born, the sounds of early industry (the pacific railroad, coal mining, factory sounds etc. ) newspaper recitations of natural disasters and world events, audio clips from popular tv shows, parades, traffic patterns, audio clips from a birthday party, a political speech, news reports of the first shots in a war.) The animations will be activated by pointing a laser pointer at certain key locations.When the installation is not activated it will run in a chronological timeline depicting sounds, music and imagery that abstractly represents the industrialization, history, natural landscape and cultural events of the United States. (Ex: The arrival of Native Americans (15,000 BC,) European Colonization, Migration of early settlers, the rise and fall of slavery, the formation of government, the various wars, the spread of industrialization, population growth, environmental changes, social unrest (civil rights/women's suffrage) and other key developments. )
*This project was accepted for a residency and grant from the IEA in July of 2022. The Institute for Electronic Arts is a high technology research studio facility within the School of Art and Design, NYSCC, Alfred University, New York. The IEA encourages and supports projects that involve interactive multi-media systems, experimental sonic/video production, digital imaging, and publications.
Related Projection Works
City and The Island
3D Mock-up for “The Island”. It is based on the history and ecology of Governors Island. This project is currently in progress.
3D Mock-up for project based on the sounds and sights of “the City”.
"The Island" is an animation/installation that captures the history, nature, bustle, and rhythms of Governors Island in NYC. This installation includes animated projections on a physical 3D model of Governors Island.
The projections depict the history of governors island using sound and abstract animations. It will include movement and sounds representing the activities of the Lenape Indians, early Dutch settlers, invading British Royal Navy, the withdrawal of the British troops during the Revolutionary War, the construction of Fort Jay, the conversion to a confederate Prison Camp, various military occupations during WW1, WW2 and finally the opening to the public. The 3D model will be printed by a CNC machine and constructed out of high-density polyurethane.
**This project was a intended to be exhibited at the Governors Island Residency Program in the Fall of 2021. I was unable to attend the residency because I accepted a teaching position at Alfred State College in NY.
"City" captures the beauty, bustle, rhythms, and chaos of the city. This installation is constructed of plaster and wood and utilizes projection and animation to depict sirens, music, traffic, and other trademarks of the city.